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Posts tagged ‘humanism’


When a person is trying to quit smoking, they often use hard candy or gum to help them stop. A couch potato is advised to take a walk instead of watching TV. A lot of us have munched on an apple, while thinking about that Snickers bar. These are examples of good exchanges.

We have witnessed things being replaced in our society, however that are not good.  I have heard people question how our country has seemed to have morally declined so quickly. I think the answer is that it didn’t happen fast at all. It has been a slow, calculated process.

A definition of vacancy is emptiness.  The enemy seeks out voids left in a person, family, church, even country to fill with his agenda. Prayer was taken out of school. It was replaced with humanism.

Humanism mindsets can never fill a spiritual vacuum.   Gun violence, rape, and the absence of morals in schools were not rampant when God was a part of the classroom.  Even some churches have aided in this moral decline. Holiness has been replaced with entertainment.  Services have become all about self and flesh.  Little or no teaching on maturing, sacrificing, seeking God, or growing in Christ is heard in these self-edifying services.  God wants us to know who we are  in Him. This should never overshadow Him or His greatness.  Glory is due His name.

Marriage is no longer held in high regard in society.  The norm now seems to be for a couple to declare their love by going to the “next level” by living together.  That is not Gods plan. It is a cheap counterfeit  for the covenant of marriage.  The enemy has stolen the security marriage affords. That is because he knows there is strength and unity in agreement.

The good news is that God always has a people. He always has a plan. He will have those who listen and obey his voice.  We as his people do not have to accept this decline.   We examine ourselves first. What vacancy have we filled with the wrong things? What lies have we begun listening to?  We allow God to show us any changes or repenting we need to apply.  We can then pray for our own families.  Ask God to reveal and replace the enemy’s  agendas for His.  We then move on to our jobs, churches, neighborhoods, and yes, our country. We can still declare that we are one nation under God.

~ Connie Robinson

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